Tuesday, October 26, 2010


CONTRAST: The green and orange fish are used in close proximity;
the opposites show contrast.

THEME/VARIATION: the dominant feature of flowers is repeated, 
it gives the work character.

LINE: The strokes show path of a point moving in space;
objects/things are preceived by the line that describes them.

COLOR:  the guitars show reflection/ absorption of light by a surface.

 VALUE: the shapes show a degrees of lightness or darkness, 
and it refers to the way color is used.

TEXTURE: the lips and broken glass show a difference in the surface quality or
happearance of the image. There is visual texture; you can 'see', but not 'feel'.

SHAPE/FORM: the diamond shows an external outline; it's 3-dimensional.

 SPACE: there's distance/ area between the shapes; 
and positive/ negative space can be seen.

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